Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today was a lazy day. I accomplished about 5% of what I was hoping to accomplish. And I'm dangerously okay with that. Here's why.

I got to spend some long overdue time with my Mom and sister today. We went to the Antique Mall and wandered around for several hours. Both my Mom and my sister have an eye for finding the really cool things that often get overlooked. I recommend both of them for antique shopping partners. Personally, I found out the maps were 50% off and spent somewhere around thirty minutes sorting through boxes of maps. I found some neat ones too. Observe this very bad photo.

That's a map of the Western States printed in 1881. $3 people! The other two were printed in 1911 and I paid $2.50. I was thrilled. Any of you map-fans in the Rockbridge area should go do some searching. I love the Antique Mall!

And then! I convinced my Mom and Kathryn to go to Pronto, the gelato shop in Lexington. I have two words for you: Toasted. Almond.

More like toasted-heaven-in-your-face. Can you see how happy we are?

It was so wonderful to spend some quality time with my family today. What a gift that we're all living in the same place right now! Our girl-time was long overdue. And it wasn't until later that I realized I could count it towards one of my 99 in 999. 54. Go on at least 4 lunch dates with Mom (1/4)

This was a wonderful and delicious way to start Mother's Day Weekend. Thanks for a wonderful day to my amazing mother and Kathryn (an incredible future mother). 

1 comment:

  1. first: I love maps! next time your there think of me.
    second: toasted almond in your face is my favorite. sounds like a productive day to me
