Wednesday, December 26, 2012

This is weird.

Let me explain why.

For a long time I have avoided the blogging world with a phenomenal resolve to not become a blogger. I can give you lots of reasons for that decision but that's probably worth it's own discussion. Most of my opinions centered around my passions regarding wise internet use and fostering real-life relationships. But when it comes down to me and why I was concerned there was a much more personal issue. I was worried that I would have a blog because I wanted it to make me look good. I was worried it would become a tool for me to seek validation rather than a healthy form of updating people I love and fostering progression through expression. So I avoided it.

Now here I am, writing a blog post. To be honest, I'm still concerned that this may become too valuable to me. I don't want this to be my main mode of communication or relationship. I have a blog complex! A big one! So why am I doing this? Again, let me explain.

I like people. So so much. But I've learned that life is change and a consistent departure/arrival from and to beautiful, wonderful people. As The Weepies say "I've held so many people in my suitcase heart". That's how I feel. I've also learned that I'm a terrible journal writer, yet I love reading and rereading thoughts, ideas, inspirations, spontaneous life-changing decisions and, most of all, stories. So in the last year a blog has become a very tempting form of record-keeping/friend-updating/thought-sharing.

Also, I just wanted to. So there.

So, on Boxing Day of 2012 I hereby enter the hitherto unknown realm of blogging. As Granger says when approaching a new situation, "Guess we'll just have to see."

Happy Boxing Day!
