This year I followed the same little structure for goal setting I've been using for several years now. I like it! I like how it covers the areas that are important to me, ensures progression in many areas, and I actually am motivated to follow through! Isn't that the trick with goal setting? It's really just finding a structure that works for you and then the goal setting bit comes much easier.
Mental: Daily expand my global awareness and understanding

The why: I read the news and here is what happens in my brain: "Hi! We're here to tell you who is doing what and why and what they've done before and what that might mean for the other people who were doing things for much longer and everyone knows they should really be doing the other thing and here's the place where this is all happening and good luck knowing where that is. Haha, you feel stupid now." This must change.
The how: Everyday I want to look up an article, a map, have a conversation, I mean, for goodness sake, I'll even accept Wikipedia on this one. I just need to have a more informed understanding of the world and its conflicts through whatever methods I can consistently use.
Physical: One new wardrobe staple each month

The why: A girl who has to make a resolution to shop more? Yes. I hate shopping. Clothes are so temporary and they are always too expensive. But I have a terrible habit of buying cheap things that I don't really like and then I end up wearing the same things over and over. It's bad.
The how: In December I did a huge wardrobe makeover to create an overall color pallet and a more purposeful, minimalist wardrobe. One of the best things I've ever done. I was particularly inspired by this article and the rest of her series on minimalist wardrobes. And when it came time to actually purge my closet this article was invaluable. It also helped a lot to have my sister there to verify what I should get rid of and what I should keep. She also helped me see what combinations I could use; advice I have used almost daily since then. It helps to see your closet with someone elses eyes! I've made a list of twelve wardrobe staples I'd like to purchase and it has helped me shop more purposefully and to save for those nicer items that will last longer. Minimalist wardrobe, people! It's wonderful!
Emotional: Run farther

The why: It's healthy. When I run I feel like a warrior queen (a grumpy and miserable one, but still.) I've improved but I need to improve more. This may not seem like an emotional goal, but it is! The battle I go through to make myself run, particularly to make myself keep running, is ridiculously challenging. But tis a battle I shall win!
The how: Make sure I run at least twice a week and do a little research to make sure I'm running correctly. Each time I run I'll add a little time and keep track of how far I ran the last time. My hope is to triple my running endurance by the end of the year.
Spiritual: Read "Preach My Gospel"

The why: Bad mormon alert! I have known for a while that I need to strengthen my desire to spread the gospel and willingness to do so. Seeing as I have never read the actual manual on how to do that I think this is a good first step.
The how: I'm currently reading five pages of "Doctrine and Covenants" every morning. I should finish in roughly mid-April. Once that's done I'll start reading "Preach My Gospel" every morning. I'm looking forward to this one.
Word of the Year: READY

The why: First off, here's where I got this idea that I love so much: Word of the Year concept
This is definitely a year in which I need to feel ready to face new challenges, ready for change, ready to do things that scare me. At the same time, I need to ready myself to meet those challenges. I need to prepare in every way to face with confidence whatever road I choose to go down. I'm very pleased with my word choice this year.
Now that I'm reviewing this I'm realizing that the expectation I've set for myself is that at the end of 2015 I'll be a good runner with classic style who understands the world, shares the gospel and is ready for whatever challenge comes her way. Man. High expectations. Here's to giving goals your best shot!
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