Well, as Granger would say, "'Ello 'Ello 'Ello!" I've actually missed this little blog.
Life's been grand, and also a bit overwhelming lately. I'd like to recap the last three months, but setting that expectation just means I'd never write anything. (This lesson I've learned from months of empty journal writing due to that one week I still need to write about. Duuuuuuuumb.) So I've been wondering, "If I ever do blog again what should I blog about?" This is what I came up with. Honestly, amidst all the craziness there are some things that are bringing a lot of joy, a lot of peace, and a lot of strength into my life lately. Here they are blog readers. You can respectfully nod and mumble to yourself, "How lovely that Elizabeth has that in her life. I'm ever so happy for her" etc... Or you can go explore a few of these things yourself, because seriously I have pretty good taste when it comes to coping mechanisms.
First, Granger. Granger Smoot Bouchelle. With a name like that how can you not be entertaining? Here are some of the greatest hits of the last few months:
"Well, I'm gonna change and then head to the gym."
"I wish I could go to the gym...."
"You can come with me if you want."
"Okay! Lucky thing I'm wearing socks!"
"Yes, that is quite lucky."
"Do you think I'll need an exercise headband?"
(As a side note to this one Granger has become a bit of a gym expert. It's a blast to watch and he is learning that yelling across the gym so I can see how fast he is running is really not appropriate if there are other people there. Baby steps.)
"NEENA! How do I turn on your shower?"
"Turn the things to the right, like I showed you."
*Twisting, squeaking, and other various sounds occur*
My Mom stumbles into the kitchen early one morning with her pajamas on. Granger looks up at her.
a dish!" My mother stares at him in shock, unsure where he learned such
a phrase and wondering how to respond. Finally Granger pipes up again:
"Can you explain to me what that means? And is it appropriate?"
"Hey, wait a minute Granger! Don't you have scouts tonight?"
"Yeah. But there was something I didn't want to try."
"Oh yeah? What was it?"
(With lowered voice and furrowed brow)
"The waltz."
Second, my chocos. I seriously wear those bad boys almost every day. I would post a photo of my impressive choco tan, but feet are ew.
Third, Cabin Pressure. It's this British radio show and it's hilariously witty and cheerful and I love it. Enjoy this clip and then go figure out where to get it! It's wonderful!
Arthur is my best friend
Fourth, my car. Mostly these little guys that drive around with me everywhere.
I've found that when life is a lot to try and manage successfully, it helps to have something to remind you that there are good, happy things waiting, and that there are far more important things than tests and jobs and to-do lists.
Fifth, Music. I saw these guys in concert last week. Ridiculous.
The Head and the Heart
We were actually there for this show (Kathryn and I, that is. My favorite concert buddy.) We spent the first bit by overly energetically affectionate lesbians, and the second bit by Matt and Holli Coates. That, my friends, is the definition of improving one's situation.
But I've also fallen in love with these guys lately. Pretty much they're on repeat in my car all the time.
The Oh Hello's But I always, always come back to the Avetts. Always. In the last month I've fallen in love with
some new ones and listened to
some old faithfuls about five bazillion times. If you don't love these guys I get it. I really do. But I wish you did.
Sixth, My job. I have a fabulous job. I work with some of the brightest, funniest, most loving and sincere children in the world, and I even like the adults too! I always struggle at the end of the school year because I know how much everything changes. But I think this next week will be particularly hard knowing that so many of them are moving on to Kindergarten and I'll be in a different class in the Fall. I get attached. One of the most powerful things I've come to know through teaching is that our ability to love only expands as we grow. I never thought I could love, respect, and enjoy any child I taught as much as I did this one:
Or this one. |
Or this one. |
Or this one. |
Or this one. |
And seriously, this is the tip of the love-of-the-little-children iceberg.THE PHOTOS WOULD NEVER END! But this year I have added so many
to the list of fantastic children I've been able to work with! I can't
wait to do the same thing next year.
Seventh, Have I ever mentioned that I live in a gorgeous place? Oh, I have? Every blog post? Well, here's a video to prove it. Please excuse the loud music in my car. It was just a loud-music-in-my-car day.
Eight, Cumberminis. As of some developments last night this merits its own blog post. Coming your way very soon. Prepare to be thoroughly entertained. (Though when I told Granger about it his response was to turn his head away and mumble "Pitiful". But I think it's great!)
Nine, Grad School. More specifically that I am 1 1/2 courses away from being done with my coursework for grad school. Student teaching in January and then this long, tumultuous journey will be behind me and I will expect everyone to call me "Master Elizabeth". Because I'll be a Master. A Master of Special Education. Don't call me that until I've earned the title though, no matter how tempting it may be.
Ten, the gym and Olaf. You may not see how these two are related. Well, they're not. I just didn't want to end with eleven things instead of ten. For those of you who don't know, I love Olaf. I love him. So my wonderful family gave him to me for my birthday.
Actually, in this post-gym photo I am sweaty and gross and in my gym clothes, so I guess they are related after all! | |
And the gym in general has just been great for me lately. I've been actually running, and I still read while I'm at the gym so I enjoy that a lot. If it wasn't for the gym I think I would be far less emotionally stable. So I guess everyone who interacts with me ever should also be grateful for the gym. Am I skinny yet? Allow me to answer with an entertaining photo via pinterest:
So no. It's fine.
Borrow a coping mechanism! Seriously! They're all really great ones! DO IT! And feel free to share your own because I love hearing what brings people joy. Or at least stops them from crying over things like road kill or the end of The Rescuers Down Under. My friend said that happened to her recently....